29 Signs You’re Stuck In The ’90s
Grab your Beanie Babies and Pokemon cards.
1. You refuse to throw out your Beanie Babies and Pokemon cards, in hopes of selling them for millions.

2. You still wish that working on computers was as cool as it was in Hackers.

United Artists / Via soundcloud.com
4. You haven’t grown out of your boy band phase.
And you don’t have to, because New Kids on the Block just celebrated their 30th anniversary, and they’ve still got the right stuff (ohh, ohh).
6. When people say TGIF, you wish they weren’t talking about the restaurant.

ABC / Via internetclub91.com
7. You definitely still have too much denim in your wardrobe because you’re holding on hope that it’ll make a comeback.

Jeffrey Mayer / WireImage
8. You silently squeal when someone mentions those three glorious first names: Jonathan, Taylor, and Thomas.

9. You’re disappointed when you wake up early on Saturday mornings and don’t find your favorite cartoons.

Nickelodeon / Via ioffer.com
12. You secretly want a friend to climb into your room via a ladder.

Nickelodeon / Via observer.com
Thanks for the unrealistic expectations, Clarissa.
13. You refuse to believe that TLC’s “Waterfalls” is older than this year’s graduating class.

But it is. Sorry.
14. Your major life decisions are based on pinky swears and games of rock, paper, scissors.

Columbia Pictures / Via leechanghwang.blogspot.com
15. You’re still mad at your parents for never sending you to Camp Anawanna.

Nickelodeon / Via thetalkingbox.com
18. You’ve never given up hope that Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio will one day get married.

NBC / Via fuckyeahkateandleo.tumblr.com
19. You refuse to believe that some of the Spice Girls are in their forties.

Getty / Vinnie Zuffante
20. No horror movie has ever scared you more thanAre You Afraid of the Dark?

Nickelodeon / Via collider.com
Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society.
21. And the same goes for each episode ofGoosebumps too.

20th Television / Via the-holidaze.blogspot.com
24. A piece of your soul died when “the blob” was stabbed to death in Heavyweights.

Walt Disney Pictures / Via wifflegif.com
25. You still know all the words to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song.

NBC / Via thissongissick.com
Even though that song is older than the kids who just graduated from college.
26. Part of you wishes you were involved in a chemical spill, in hopes of receiving magical powers.

Nickelodeon / Via popculturemonster.com